Coaching is a forward focused, positive intervention intended for people who wish to enhance their performance or improve their work or personal situation.

“Fish do not see water, nor do polar bears feel the cold.

My role as a coach is to help you see the water that you are swimming in, to hold up a mirror and to help you find what is really there (beyond the stories that we tell ourselves).

Once you can see what is there, you can choose to grow it, or with support, to change it.”


“The key for me was having the opportunity to speak to someone I felt safe with to explore and process my feelings, responses etc and identify improvements.”

Coaching Client

“I really benefited from exploring my values and how these could be translated into the work setting.I benefited greatly from my coaching with Helena.”

Coaching Client

Coaching provides you with:

  • A committed time to process and plan

  • A safe space to be your whole self

  • A deeper knowledge of who you are, to enable you to leverage the best parts of yourself, while clearing the decks of things that may be taking up your time and energy.

  • An opportunity to work with a supportive and experienced professional on whatever you most want to achieve or change

 Coaching is not intended as a substitute for therapy or medical treatment.

“My coaching is client led, with my role as a coach being to question, filter, and reflect, to support you as you find your own solutions and capture them in a way that is personally memorable.

My approach to coaching is relational and focused on: connection, positive psychology and reflective inquiry (basically a combination of neuroscience, behavioural models, gestalt psychotherapy and self-reflection, based on my training and background in a variety of disciplines). As we dive into a presenting issue or intention, we might also cover emotional regulation, strengths and values, introjections, scripts and beliefs, processing modalities, blocks and amplifiers to attention, transition rituals, tolerations, needs, boundaries, drivers, integrity, purpose, vision etc.

I work with clients on everything from deep transformation and discovery of purpose, to better work relationships, leadership style, or managing priorities. Sometimes you may not be sure what it is that needs to change, but you know you are stuck, or not fulfilling your potential, that’s OK too.”


Specialised ADHD Coaching

There is increasing evidence that ADHD coaching improves executive function and wellbeing for individuals.

This evidence comprises 19 quantitative and qualitative studies of coaching outcomes. Of these, 10 focus specifically on college students. All 19 studies indicate that coaching supports improved ADHD symptoms and executive functioning. The majority of quantitative studies report statistically significant benefits, several report positive trends. Additionally, 6 studies report improved participant well-being; 3 demonstrate maintenance of gains; 5 document high participant satisfaction with coaching. Source: eric.ed.gov

Helena provides executive coaching for highly successful ADHDers.

Prefer Training to Coaching?

Take a look at our Online Training Courses and Leadership Programme for ADHD & AuDHD Leaders, below.

Do things differently. ACCESS YOUR AWESOME.

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Supervision for Coaches with Neurodivergent Clients


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